life coaching — Blog — Anna Maria Locke

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Anna Maria Locke

life coaching

How to feel more balanced as a mom

2023Anna Locke

When I talk with other moms about their biggest struggles and what we need the most, we usually come back to one common theme:

Feeling "balanced”

But what does that look or feel like in real life?

It’s a myth that balance as a mom means giving 100% to everyone and everything.

Because when we inevitably drop a ball, we feel like a guilty failure. Hello, impossible!!

In reality, work-life balance is a constantly moving target, not a destination.

And it’s *not* about spending an equal amount of time and energy on everything.

It’s a continuous, daily process of finding an equilibrium that allows us to feel the most fulfilled so we can thrive and function at our best.

To me, feeling my best is not a solo job.

It involves the support of my partner, family, and community. It also requires some structural support like creating a schedule that allows space for play and rest, as well as time to focus on my work and myself.

But ultimately balance is a state of being.

Underneath the ups and downs of normal life, it’s knowing and feeling like I am capable and competent to handle challenges, having the capacity and time to focus on the things that I’m most passionate about, and being able to work towards long range goals or dreams.

What do you need to feel balanced?

If you want some help in defining what you need, let me be your life coach this week! ✨🤗

Click here​​ to sign up for my free 5 Day Glow Up series, for creative moms.

xo Anna

Hey fellow mom!

Are you feeling burned out, overwhelmed, mentally zonked from a long winter of endless viruses?

Not to mention coming out of the the black vortex of pandemic parenting. YEAHH. Blah.

Let’s flip things around and get your inner glow back!

In the FREE 5 Day Glow Up I will empower you with:

  • more positive energy and pleasure WITHIN the daily mom grind

  • permission to put yourself first, without feeling guilty

  • self-trust and confidence in the decisions you make for your family

  • reconnection with your partner (yes the romance is still available I promise!)

  • an introduction to your inner Queen Archetype

5 signs you might be in an inner winter phase of life

2023Anna Locke

We enter an inner season of winter many times in our life, including but not limited to the menstrual phase of our monthly cycle, actual winter if you live in the north, pregnancy or postpartum, or after a really intense period of big change or expansion in your life or work.

Our society tells us we have to be constantly “on” and productive, so it’s hard for us to listen to our bodies but we’re part of nature and our bodies are cyclical. We have to go through winter in order to bloom again.

**make sure to be in touch with your medical provider to rule out any mood disorders, vitamin deficiencies etc.

But if you’re doing all the self care, mental health support, and taking all the supplements and you still feel like you’re not your typical go-getter achieving self, maybe your body and soul just need a break!

Signs you might be in a winter phase

  1. You lack clarity and motivation

  2. You feel disconnected from your purpose and it’s challenging to give a shit about things that you know are important to you

  3. You’re extra tired and have low stamina when you do have energy

  4. It’s hard to focus

  5. You’re feeling a strong pull to retreat, hibernate, and surrender any expectations and pressure you’ve been putting on yourself

Take a break from the goal chasing and give yourself permission to simply be.

“In the Reflective phase we can be so lacking in motivation and enthusiasm that we become disconnected from our own wants and needs...Nothing seems important, even our own goals and ambitions...The ‘whatever’ attitude makes it an optimum time to prioritize our lives, as nothing really has much priority. If something is really important it will be worth the we realize very quickly what is a ‘must’ action and what is a ‘should...this can actually become a resourceful tool for self-development and goal achievement...Suddenly this phase forces us to release the drive, but more importantly it forces us to drop our fear and anxieties...and simply accept the here and now.”

-Miranda Gray, The Optimized Woman

Winter is the best time to:

  • Rest!

  • Indulge in being as deliciously lazy and unproductive as possible

  • Reconnect with yourself

  • Identify any unnecessary “should’s” or pressure you’ve been placing on yourself, and let them go

  • Surrender, and surrender some more. Go inward!

  • Connect to your intuition and receive guidance from Divine Energy/Source/Universe/God

  • Journal

  • Meditate

  • Take a break from your workouts

  • Reflect, reconnect to your goals and intentions, access deep insights and intuitive hits.

  • Evaluate biz progress and make course corrections.

  • Nurture yourself

  • Order takeout or have your partner cook

  • Let go of as many responsibilities as possible for at least 2-3 days

  • Unplug from social media and go offline

  • Practice RECEIVING (over doing)

In nature, we always know that winter will end eventually.

Even if it takes forever if you live in the upper Midwest like me.

We trust that spring will come.

We make plans. We book trips. We update our wardrobes.

What if we could extend that same level of trust and assurance to ourselves, when we’re feeling bogged down in an inner winter?

If you have a regular menstrual cycle, you can practice leaning back into the low energy states and let yourself experience that regular boost of energy to remind yourself every single month that your body is on a regular pattern just like the earth.

But maybe your winter season is more Game of Thrones style, and you can’t see the end or how long it will take to make it through.

Spring will come again for you too. And the signs will be unmistakeable.

xo Anna

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How to do a monthly audit for your life coaching business

2023Anna Locke

Happy February! It’s a new month and on my to-do list is to review January and take an objective look at how the month went for my life, business, and goals.

It’s usually more exciting and fun to look forward and set new goals and plans, but it’s vital to reflect before we launch forward so we can learn from what didn’t work, continue what’s working, and make tweaks and adjustments as necessary!

So if you haven’t already, join me for a monthly life and biz audit.

It’s never too late to do this if you’re finding this post mid-month. And obviously you can use this process for any and every month of the year. Consistency and scheduling it into your work flow is where you’ll see the most impact.

This process can be used for any small business, but I’m personally coming from a life coaching perspective!

Because your life is a key factor in how you show up in your business, we aren’t just going to look at the numbers but also reflect on the big picture of how you’re feeling, managing your energy, and balancing your priorities.

The key for any kind of personal review process is to do your best to keep your emotions out of it! Put on your official CEO hat and pretend you’re looking at someone else’s work if you need to. If you feel yourself sinking into judgment, self criticism, any kind of wonky emotional funk, take a step back and get yourself into a higher energy state before returning to the process.

This is objective, not personal.

This is objective, not personal.

This is objective, not personal.

The whole point is to get curious and treat your work like one big beautiful messy creative experiment.

As they say in Sesame Street, “I wonder? What if? Let’s try!”

Monthly Life and Biz Review Process

  • Look at your previous month’s content. This includes social media posts, videos, newsletters, blogs, anywhere you showed up and shared online. What did well, and what didn’t according to engagement, open rates, etc? How can you tweak what you’re doing to do more of what’s working?

  • What do you want to share more of? What would feel really good, fun, natural, and exciting?

  • What area/s of life do you want to spend more time in?

  • What are your TOP 3 priorities for the upcoming month for life, business, and yourself?

  • What was your favorite thing about the past month? What didn’t go so well?

  • How can you make yourself more visible and get in front of more of your ideal audience?

  • What are some achievable and inspiring goal ideas for the month ahead?

Tip to add some magic and spice:

Set a “theme” for your monthly goals. For example, my theme for January was getting back into a groove with my daily and weekly routines, and my theme for February is going to focus on self love and the things that make me happy.

If you want some help and support in crafting your goals and living into your vision and desires for your life and business, I’d love to connect with you!

Click here to book a free 30 minute Mini Glow Up session, where we’ll chat about where you’re at and where you want to be, and I’ll help you walk away with one action step or aha moment.

Access the Inner Circle Resource Vault
Sign up here to access your FREE resource vault and receive my bi-weekly coaching newsletter chock-full of motivation, promotions and program updates, love, and surprises.

By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy found here.

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